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Women Care

4 Things A Gynecologist Should Tell About Your Periods


Do you know that even the most educated and aware women have a lot of misinformation about periods? This is a result of talking about periods being considered a taboo in the society. By gathering information on our own from various sources, we end up misunderstanding and pass on the same to others.

Not all women are comfortable visiting a gynecologist either. Many depend on the words of wisdom of their mothers, grandmothers, and elders. Though these women have a life’s experience to give advice, only a gynaecologist can deal with some things.

Another reason women tend to be wary of doctors is the fear of being judged for their choices and decisions. Though we cannot deny that there are doctors who do tend to judge a patient, there is no dearth of gynecologists whose main concern is the health and safety of the patients.

In this blog, we have listed out four major aspects that every gynecologist should tell you about periods.

  1. Use What Works For You

There are various female hygiene products available in the market. From pads to tampons to cups, we can see many posts and blogs on social media discussing which of these the best are.  Menstrual cups are taking over pads and tampons gradually, but that does not mean you will have to switch over as well. If you do not find them comfortable, stick to what suits you. If you are allergic to a particular brand or a variant, stay away from it.

  1. Period Pain Can Be More than Just Cramps

Cramps in your lower abdomen are quite common during periods. Some women tend to suffer quite a lot due to this while others manage. However, if the pain is unbearable or getting worse over time, it can indicate endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Taking painkillers is not an option in all instances, and it is better to consult the best gynecologist in Chennai.

There are many medical solutions available to help you manage these conditions so don’t just suffer in silence considering it is a common symptom. In addition, skipping periods is not healthy or lucky. It is a sign of PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) with a risk of uterine cancer and other medical complications such as anorexia.

  1. Smelly Period Blood

Period blood is not gross or smelly. It is when the menstrual blood mixes with the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina that it gets a slight odor. Changing your pads and tampons regularly, cleaning your vaginal area with warm water and mild soap should be sufficient.

  1. Normal Periods

Every woman has a different menstrual cycle. What is normal for you should be decided based on your cycle and how your body responds during that time.

We suggest that you talk to a gynecologist if you have any questions regarding your periods. The more we talk about it, the easier it will be to stop people from considering it a shame or a stigma.

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