During Your First Visit with a New Dentist
Dental Care

What Happens During Your First Visit with a New Dentist?


Going to a new dentist can be a bit stressful if you don’t know what to expect. Here is some insight on what will occur during your initial visit. Make sure you have your insurance card and identification when you go so that you can go through the process smoothly. 

The Paperwork Stage

The first thing you’ll do when you get to the dentist’s office is sign in and provide the receptionist with your insurance card and identification. You will receive a packet of paperwork to complete since this is your first visit there. The paperwork will ask you for your personal information as well as details about your insurance and financial responsibility. There may also be some health questions and some questions about your teeth in the forms. Be sure to notify the dentist’s office of any pain you’re currently experiencing. Do this so that they can address any issues as quickly as possible. 


The hygienist is going to want to take X-rays of your mouth when you first get to the area in the back of the reception area. They are going to take extensive X-rays that will gauge the health of your teeth and gums. That way, the dentist can strategize and develop an appropriate treatment plan when the two of you finally talk to each other. You’ll need to wear a special vest and remove your jewelry because of the radiation. You’ll also need to notify the dentist if you think you may be pregnant. 


Your X-rays will be developed, and the dentist will look at them. The hygienist will then come in to do your cleaning. The cleaning stage at the Gainesville dentistry office may not be pleasant. This is because it often involves scraping. The hygienist must scrape your teeth to remove any plaque and tartar that has built up. It can be extensive if this is the first time you’ve been at the dentist since childhood or if you have not had your teeth cleaned in a long time. The hygienist will floss in between your teeth and polish your teeth after the initial cleaning. 

Treatment Plan

The dentist will come in to talk to you after the hygienist is finished cleaning your mouth. He or she will let you know of any immediate problems seen in your X-rays. The dentist will then offer a solution. For example, if you have a small cavity, the dentist may recommend that you receive a filling in that tooth. A root canal or extraction may be the suggested solution if the cavity is too severe. The people in the office will come up with a quote for the services, and then you will have the right to decide if you want to go through with the suggested treatment. 


At the end of the visit, you will schedule your next appointment with the provider. You will also pay any copayments that your insurance company requests. Sometimes, the dentist’s office asks the patients to pay their copays before they go back to see the hygienist. It depends on the office you visit for your treatment. At any rate, you’ll make your payment and schedule your appointment. You’ll have a nice, clean mouth when you leave, and you’ll see the provider again for the next step in your treatment plan. 

Visit the Dentist Today

Now you know what to expect when you see your new dentist. Your stress level should be lower now, and you can go through your appointment with ease. Be sure to visit your dentist regularly. The recommended number of times to see a dentist is once every six months. 

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