Check Out Glaucoma AI Diagnosis

Check Out Glaucoma AI Diagnosis: Learn About Latest Technologies


Technological changes are all around us. From smartphones to pocket computers, our everyday lives depend on a wide array of gadgets. However, in the world of medicine, things are also changing. New diagnostic tools arrive, while others become obsolete.

We can agree that technological evolution in OCT or optical coherence tomography is changing based on numerous factors. That way, you can detect the problem such as glaucoma in early stages and prevent potential blindness, severe pain, and other issues.

As soon as you check here you will learn more about glaucoma diagnosis.

OCT can easily detect eye abnormalities much faster than previous options available in diagnostic labs. The technology can measure the exact eye pressure, which will affect the current condition and progression.

The best way to prevent further progression is by choosing the latest diagnostic options available on the market.

Swept-Source OCT

This particular diagnostic tool is highly improved compared with regular OCTs exceptionally in-depth and imaging speed. That way, you can achieve less sensitivity loss and more significant scanning depth.

You can find a wide array of ophthalmic OCT systems that are available on the market. As time goes by, we will see approximately 200 kHz and even 400 kHz. When we compare the previous version that could achieve up to 70 kHz.

The faster approach of 3D scanning of the retina will provide you peace of mind and less depth sensitivity reduction. Therefore, it features high sensitivity that will allow you to detect lamina cribrosa and fiber layers, among other things.

When we combine better sensitivity and higher speed than before with the current wavelength used, the diagnosis is the perfect solution for people with corneal opacities and cataracts.

Due to longer wavelength, visualization and access of the choroids is also possible. If you have glaucoma, it means that this particular tool can segment your retinal layers. Doctors and lab technicians will have access to the optic disc, choroid, and lamina cribrosa.

OCT technology plays a crucial role in creating a device that can detect choroidal changes and blood flow, which is an essential tool for seeing this particular condition.

It comes with high potential due to specificity and sensitivity, which means that doctors will get a high-quality image. By getting a high-end picture, you can visually determine the best course of action.

You should check out Heru AI vision diagnosis to learn more about the latest technological advancements in detecting glaucoma and other eye conditions.

Artificial Intelligence as a Diagnostic Tool

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more popular in the healthcare industry, especially when it comes to treating and diagnosing various conditions.

You can find AI-based systems, which feature proper algorithms and training by using different eye images. The algorithm understands the difference between abnormal and standard images.

Most common solutions and detection opportunities with AI include macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. According to numerous reports, more than sixty million adults in the US are at high risk for vision loss.

However, only half of them have regular doctor exams. By implementing the latest technologies, people will have more convenient exams, diagnoses, and treatments. The main idea is to create initial screenings that are accessible and convenient.

Treating issues in the early stage can reduce vision loss and potential blindness. We are not saying that artificial intelligence will replace experts and doctors, but it can provide them with greater efficiency and see more than other diagnostic tools.

Diabetic Retinopathy

You should know that diabetes is one of the most common problems in the world. At the same time, people with this particular condition are at risk of getting diabetic retinopathy, which is a disease that can lead to potential blindness.

However, you won’t notice anything in the first stages of the condition. Besides, the number of ophthalmologists is small, which means that they cannot examine every person with diabetes.

However, a few AI-based technologies approved by FDA can detect this particular problem in no time. Both healthcare providers and primary care physicians can use them.

Most of them feature a camera that will analyze an eye, and software will tell whether you should visit a professional or not.

We recommend you to visit this link: to learn more about this particular condition.

These diagnostic tools are highly efficient when it comes to detecting diabetic retinopathy, which is something that will become a norm worldwide.

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