Drug Tests Detect CBD

Do Drug Tests Detect CBD?


It’s easy to purchase CBD products online or from local shops. You don’t need a prescription for them, and there isn’t a limit to what you can buy. With that in mind, CBD is still a byproduct of a cannabis plant, and there are federal regulations for cannabis. Do drug tests test for CBD? If so, can you fail a drug test for using CBD? Let’s look at the current laws in the U.S.

CBD vs. Marijuana: What’s the Difference?

Cannabidiol (CBD) and marijuana both come from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is sought after for its THC, the psychoactive property that creates a “high” feeling. CBD is typically used for pain management or anxiety treatment. Hemp-derived CBD typically contains less than 0.3% THC, which is why it is legal to sell over the counter. Products that contain CBD and higher levels of THC are not federally legal yet, but they may be legal in your state.

Why CBD May Show up on a Drug Test

CBD products are not well-regulated at this time. They may have the THC listed as under 0.3%, but there are limited systems in place to verify that. As a result of these lacking regulations, the CBD products you use may contain a higher level of THC than what’s reported. Furthermore, excessive use of CBD could yield a buildup of THC in your body, which would register on a drug test.

If you are an employee covered under Department of Transportation Testing Regulation 49 CFR Part 40, you may be subject to aDOT drug test that looks for traces of THC. There is no distinction between THC from marijuana and THC in CBD products. If your drug test reveals traces of THC, it will be considered a failed drug test – at least with the Department of Transportation.

What If I Have a Medical Marijuana Card?

Marijuana is legal in many states, but it is not legal on a national level yet. Depending on where you work, this may affect the outcome of your drug test. If you are a DOT-regulated employee, you cannot have THC in your system, regardless of whether you have a medical marijuana card. If your job is not regulated by the Department of Transportation, you will need to inquire about your employer’s drug testing terms.

What to Do If You Fail a DOT Drug Test

Under DOT guidelines, if you fail a drug test for THC, you must be removed from safety-sensitive job duties. To regain employment as a DOT-regulated worker, you will need to complete the Return-to-Duty process. This involves working with a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) to take steps outlined by the DOT. Your SAP will conduct an in-person consultation and recommend treatment, education, or counseling for you to complete. After you follow through with those recommendations, you must pass a follow-up drug test. Then your SAP can clear you to resume safety-sensitive work.

American Substance Abuse Professionals has a success rate of over 85%, helping clients return to work after a failed drug test.

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