


Many questions come to mind when girls have Implantation Bleeding. The first one is obviously how it is different from regular menstrual bleeding.

Also, it is important to identify it at the ideal time so that you understand when to take the pregnancy test and identify Bleeding through the discharge.

It is critical to take extreme care of your body when you are pregnant. Bleeding is the initial sign of it.

Most importantly if you can recognize your bleeding is implantation bleeding and when there’s some abnormality inside then you should certainly consult a physician.


Implantation bleeding appears as mild spotting that is blood that appears when you wipe or it may seem like a light consistent flow that needs a lining or a light pad. Sometimes the blood can be blended with cervical mucus and sometimes it is not.

Bleeding comes in a range of colors that depend on the length of time the blood requires to depart the body.

If It’s a brand new bleed then it’ll come in colors of light or dark red

If the blood is mature it might look brown, which is a result of oxidation

It will appear pink or orange if in case it’s mixed with other vaginal discharge

You should keep a note of this consistency and color and frequency of the bleeding. The health care provider will want to know these details if you consult with him for diagnosis.

The identification for implantation bleeding is done through an elimination process. This signifies is that the Medical Specialist will remove other causes of bleeding first.

When there is heavy bleeding or clotting then you should consult a physician immediately. This can be a sign of an early miscarriage.


The color of the implantation bleeding varies from person to person and also from pregnancy to pregnancy. But there are a few additional symptoms that indicate pregnancy also and you need to watch out for them too.

If you are having nausea, fatigue or frequent urination then chances are you are pregnant as these are early indicators of pregnancy.

Additionally, you might experience tender or swollen breasts and this happens because of hormonal changes that take place soon after conception.

Even though these symptoms signify pregnancy they aren’t a certain shot sign of early pregnancy. Lots of women have these symptoms without pregnancy. Even some of those that are pregnant may not experience these symptoms.

The positive shot and most reliable symptom of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period. With regular cycles though it’s difficult to learn if you’ve missed a period or not.

In case you’ve missed a menstrual period and are having fatigue, nausea or some such symptoms. Then now is the time for a pregnancy test and after that, you can consult with a specialist Doctor.


This Bleeding is the particular type of bleeding which occurs during early pregnancy. According to physicians and healthcare experts implantation, bleeding occurs when the embryo attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Additionally, this happens in the majority of cases everybody may not encounter implantation bleed or place.

Bleeding is shortlived and does not last very long as it is just a few days worth. Implantation bleeding generally occurs 10-14 days post-conception or at a time close to some missed period.

Vaginal bleeding is usually reported and occurs anytime during the first eight months of early pregnancy.

Additionally, spotting can also be common before the beginning of a menstrual period and so you need to know about all other factors which lead to bleeding. This is so you can be sure the bleeding or discharge is implantation bleeding.

The majority of women go for a pregnancy test post for a missed period. Chances are that sometimes implantation bleeding becomes confused with a regular normal interval. This is the reason why some girls don’t understand they are pregnant until their second month. This mainly happens with women who have a light flow.

There are some specific indicators of implantation bleeding which aids women to tell the difference between it and menstrual period bleeding.

The first distinction is your interval starts off light and then it starts becoming thicker before it becomes light again after a day or two. Together with implantation bleeding the bleeding starts off light and the intensity doesn’t change during. is also same organization.

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