How to claim for psychological damage if you are suffering from depression

How to claim for psychological damage if you are suffering from depression?


Depression is a mental state which is caused by severe sorrow, rejection, and regret. People with symptoms like agitation, sleeping too much, excessive crying, hunger, or loss of appetite are diagnosed with depression. It also causes a lack of interest in anything, slowness inactivity, and gives thoughts of suicide or death.

It has said that one out of four people suffers from depression. It is known as the largest supporter of disability worldwide. Depression happens to all ages. Depression is even the reason for many suicides all over the world. It also happens to occur to more females than males. More than 260 million people are suffering from depression all over the world.

Psychological Damage

Psychological damage is a harm to the brain which occurs due to an injury, accident which was unpredictable. People usually claim for their psychological damage after two years from a violent accident. It is always better to consult an injury legal representative to know you get a fair refund. The effect of psychological damage is unrelatable for the individual case and the person involved. These cases generally seem to be very complex as many questions can be aroused by these cases. These generally give people flashbacks, nightmares related to the horrifying experience or accident.

How to claim Psychological Damage

  • Give Specification to personal injury legal practitioner-

If you want access to the claim, you need to trust the personal injury lawyer with all the specifications which occurred during the accident like Date, location, injuries, etc.

  • The practitioner becomes your mentor-

As the person has experience in handling these situations he can guide you through the entire process.

  • Provide the solicitor with your medical history-

You must give your medical reports to the solicitor so that it can help him to deal with the case.

  • Assessment for Injuries Board application-

Now, the attorney will gather the specifications of the case and send it to the Injuries Board for assessment. Once the Injuries Board assesses your case the attorney will come with a reverted amount. You would have a choice to accept the settlement or reject it.

After these two outcomes can be seen:

  1. The case is settled, if both the party agrees and accepts the settlement. The person will pay the settlement.
  2. If the agreement is rejected by anyone of you, the next stage will take place in the court.
  • The case may be taken to the court. But, taking into consideration your recovery and health, they focus on settling the case.

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These are some of the ways of helping the victim in claiming the psychological damage. This damage can be harmful to a person’s health and should be taken care of. I hope this article helped you in becoming aware of the claims and case scenarios.

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