The Many Reasons To Choose Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment to Treat Wounds

The Many Reasons To Choose Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment to Treat Wounds

5,154 ViewsModern medical technology has meant many things to many people. In particular, modern medicine is giving hope to people who might otherwise give up on ever recovering. Wound care provides a good example of this. And in particular, the case of wound care through use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or HBO. There’s many different …

The Risk Factors to Prevent Breast Cancer

Dr. Paolo Boffetta Highlights The Risk Factors to Prevent Breast Cancer

1,687 ViewsResearch and studies have revealed that a woman’s risk for breast cancer is the culmination of a number of factors. The primary factors involve you as a woman getting older. Most breast cancer patients are women who are at least 50 years or older; however, there are several cases of younger women acquiring breast …