Types of Drug Rehab Programs

Types of Drug Rehab Programs


It can be quite distressing for a person to learn that a friend or loved one of theirs is struggling from drug addiction. When this happens, it is important to seek help for the addict as soon as possible so that they can avoid falling into compromising and potentially more dangerous situations.

Although it might make sense to take the person suffering from addiction to the nearest drug rehabilitation facility, doing so might not leave the best impact on the person, which can lead to them relapsing and going down the spiral of addiction all over again. As an outside observer, one must try to be more receptive of the situation of the person suffering from drug addiction and consider their circumstances as one helps them look for a rehab facility that best fits the addict’s needs. This article will give general insights into the most common rehab programs being offered by rehab facilities and who they may be able to benefit.

Choosing a Rehab Program

As mentioned earlier, there are many different factors that one needs to consider before selecting a rehab program that would result in the most effective recovery for the person suffering from addiction. To start, one must understand that drug addiction is a very complex condition that has an impact on just about every aspect of the person’s life. People are unique beings that lead unique and highly complicated lives; with this in mind, one must also understand that the factors and circumstances that lead a person to drug abuse and later dependence is also similarly complicated that no two cases have the exact same cause – and, by extension, the exact same treatment.

When selecting a rehab program, it is important to consider the circumstances of the person who will undergo rehab. These issues include:

  • The substances the person is addicted to, and for how long – the length of time that one is addicted to a substance will change the circumstances of the treatment, as long-term addiction will require a more gradual approach to treatment to rid the body of its drug dependence.
  • Any other problems that the person may have (e.g. trauma, mental disorders) – it is quite common for a person’s drug dependence to come about as a result of a more severe underlying problem. Having this information will help speed up the person’s recovery.
  • The person’s financial and social situation – undergoing rehab for drug addiction is not exactly cheap, so one should also take into account the level of financial support that the person suffering from addiction would also need, both for entering the rehab program as well as for their life after rehab.

Types of Rehab Programs

Because drug addiction is such a complex condition, the treatment and rehabilitation programs for them are often similarly complex and varied – so much so that we cannot list down every single one in this article. However, many rehab programs can be categorised depending on certain defining traits especially in Bali drug rehab center, detailed in the following list:

  1. Long-term rehab programs are the ones that most people are likely to be familiar with. These programs last for at least 60 days, with many treatment programs usually lasting for about 3 months. Similar to some of the other rehab programs in this list, the patient will be staying in the rehab facility for the entire length of the program, as this allows the patient to be completely separated from their current environment that may have contributed to their drug abuse, and instead stay in an environment that is made to help the patient recover from their addiction. These programs are the most effective at changing the person for the better; however, this may not always be the best solution for everyone, as seen later on this list.
  2. Short-term rehab, as its name implies, is a much shorter rehab program than long-term ones, typically lasting no longer than 30 days. Although their shorter length reduces the chance of successfully rehabilitating the patient, it is often enough to take the patient out of the spiral of drug addiction and set them on the path to further recovery.
  3. Outpatient treatment programs are unique in that, unlike the other ones in this list, the patient gets to return to their homes after each day at the rehab facility. While this can be convenient for patients who have other commitments that could otherwise be fulfilled when one moves into a rehab facility for a full treatment program, much of the work of kicking the addiction does fall upon the patient. This can be difficult as their home environment can itself be a contributing factor to their drug abuse.
  4. State-funded rehab programs can be incredibly useful for patients who do not have the money to pay for a dedicated rehab program at a private facility. However, state-funded rehab does have its shortcomings, the biggest of which is the quality of care – as state funding is often quite limited, a patient will not be able to receive the kind of dedicated care and support that a private facility would be able to provide.

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