What Makes A Personal Safety App Perfect For You

What Makes A Personal Safety App Perfect For You


A personal safety app is an SOS app on your mobile that can be used as an aid to your safety. These safety apps work on the principles of “live-tracking your location, and whereabouts. These apps have an inbuilt function to send SOS, alerts, and messages to your designated contact list in case of emergencies.

These days technology has left no stone unturned to affect every sphere of our lives, and personal safety apps are no exception. With the ever-increasing crime rates, it’s imperative to invest in one’s safety. Some vulnerable groups are women, children, and the elderly. Personal safety apps can help in case a life-threatening circumstance arises by getting help and attention to prevent a crime.

Here’s a list of reasons for why personal safety apps are best for you-

Immediate communication

The most important benefit of a particular safety app is the direct communication facility it provides. In many emergency situations, the victim cannot dial a number or scream for help. A specific safety app can serve as a means of immediate communication to send real-time updates to your authorities, friends, and family. An active, timely communication can prevent crimes from happening by getting the required help quickly.

These apps usually send audio and video clippings, messages and live location on your behalf to let people know about the situation you are stuck in. Newgenapps.com has a complete directory of best personal safety apps and why you should invest in them today

Geofencing feature

Many personal safety apps have an excellent geofencing feature. Geofencing works on the principle of establishing safe territories. Every Time you venture out of your safe region to an unknown route or area, an immediate alert is sent to your contact list. This lets them know where you are, and this alert can warn them to take quick action and get help.

Heatmaps feature

Another revolutionary feature of personal safety apps is Heatmaps. Heatmaps are predefined territories of the city or town that are usually deemed unsafe and have been reported as the peak place for crimes. These places are generally crowdsourced, and alerts are sent to your designated contacts every time you venture into these areas.

Walk with me feature

Personal safety apps can be the right choice for you due to their latest walk with functions. Every Time you think you are in danger while you are walking back home or traveling in a cab, a personal safety app can share your live location. The person receiving the alert can continuously monitor your journey and make sure you reach home safely. In case of observation of any fishy pattern in your location, the caretaker can quickly invite help and alert the required authorities.

Predetermined Contact list

Personal safety apps allow you to set a contact list that can be alerted in case of emergencies. These are usually your family, friends, and safety authorities who can intervene in uneventful situations. These help you to summon help and prevent a major crime from happening.

Personal safety apps are a good investment. They cannot prevent incidents from occurring, but they can add to your personal safety with their features. They help in staying connected to your loved ones and help in knowing their location to ensure they are safe. Invest in them today as all the features are perfect for your safety.

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